Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In just 9 more days...

We will be officially approved and waiting for our match.... I can't even describe how incredible that feels.

Our first meeting with our social worker went great today. We basically just sat around and talked for two ours about our lives and she answered a lot of questions we had. It was awesome. I feel so great about the path we are on and just can't wait for each step to be here.

At the end of it all, I tried to ask a question and it just didn't come out right. She knew exactly what I was getting at though. I wanted to know if she thought people would like us, if we would seemed appealing to a birth mom and how quickly she thought things would happen. She completely reassured me. Granted I know that we might still have a LONG road ahead of us, but I feel much better after her comments. She says we have a lot going for us (our ages, jobs, openness, etc.) and that if she had to guess our wait probably wouldn't be longer than a year, IF THAT! I'll update more after the next visit!

We have our first fundraiser tomorrow night - scrap booking! And then we are going to start focusing on our profile and getting the garage sale organized. Lots to do!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers... they are working! I hope so badly that with the continued support from our friends and family that we will have a baby in our house by next summer :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! That is awesome news. 9 days... squeee!
